Problem that WebAssembly addresses
Make the browser as generic as a computer, i.e. execute most programs
But: Make it possible to reuse components coded in C, C++, Rust, etc. directly in the browser
How: Convert C/CPP/Rust into LLVM representation
Theoretical workflow: compile/export c/cpp file in wasm format, serve wasm to client browser, interact with wasm module from javascript code
flowchart LR; subgraph web[webservice] direction TB jscode[service.js]--interacts-->wasm end code[opencv.cpp]--export-->wasm[opencv.wasm] web--served-->client
WebAssembly is not a virtual machine, it is processed
Other notes
- 2 formats: Wat (text file), Wasm (binary)
- Explorer:
- JS / WA Interactions:
- Fetch the file and read it (binary)
- Use of the WebAssembly module (native) initialize WA module
- Instantiate module
- Then, whenever functions defined in the WA are called, the WA runtime will execute and deliver results to the JS runtime through a share memory
- No DOM interactions but possible to interact with external functions
- Interoperability between JS and WA only through integers and floats --> glue code
- No garbage collector (memory management is important)
- WA Runtime dependent on the browser
- Is it possible to export anything from a C/CPP/etc. program ? What are the limitations ?