Hadoop Platform and Application Framework

Lesson 1

Hadoop Stack: [ Clients ] > [ MapReduce ] > [ YARN ] > [ HDFS ]

  1. Hadoop File System: Distributed, scalable and portable file-system written in Java for the Hadoop framework
  • replicates accross several hosts
  • system is composed of Namenode(s) which keep some metadata on the contained folders (e.g. name, number of replica...) and Datanodes which contain the (replicated) data blocks.
  • secondary namenode: scans and builds snapshots of the primary namenode (raptures information, location etc.)
  • A Hadoop based system always sits on some version of a MapReduce engine:
    • Job/Task trackers: job tracker on the namenode (client's job tracking) and task tracker on the datanodes (operation tracking)
    • MapReduceV2 -> YARN (Hadoop 2.0): Separates the research management and process component (generalization of the hadoop architecture to other processing than mapreduce)
    • Before YARN, the hdfs stack was [ MapReduce ] > [ HDFS ], now it is possible to have others data processing: [ Map Reduce | Others ] > [ YARN ] > [ HDFS ]
  • Yarns = scheduling, MapReduce (in V2) = data processing
  1. The Hadoop Zoo
  • Started from the Google FS, and incrementally added functionalities (SQL like queries, BigTable, Sawzall, ...) -> variations accross big tech companies, but with the same global architecture: (cloudera's implem)
    [ UI Framework (hue) | SDK (hue) ]
    [ Workflow mgmt (oozie) | Scheduling (oozie) | Metadata (Hive) ]
    [ Data Integration (flume, sqoop) | [ Languages, compilers (pig/hive) ] > [ Hadoop ] | Fast read/write access (hbase) ]
    [ Coordination (zookeeper) ]
  1. Hadoop Ecosystem Major Components
  • PIG:
    • High level programming on to for Hadoop MapReduce
    • Multiple languages: JPython, Java ...
    • Data analysis problems as data flows
    • Pig for ETL: inport, extract, transform, write back on the hdfs [Q: difference with Beam ?]
  • Hive:
    • Facilitates queriying and managing large datasets in distributed storage
    • Hive QL
  • Oozie:
    • Workflow scheduler to manage Hadoop jobs
    • Coordinator jobs
    • Supports: MapReduce, Pig, Hive, Sqoop...
  • Zookeeper:
    • Provides centralized, AOM and synchronization
  • Flume:
    • Distributed, reliable and available service for collecting, aggregating and moving large amount of log data
  • Many others (Impala, Cloudera search, Spark, Majout, ...)
  • Spark:
    • Parallel, in-memory, large scale data processing