title: April Fool's Day description: Even a RFC can be fun sometimes... date: April 1, 2015 categories: [misc] image: images/blog/pigeon.jpg layout: post toc: false comments: true hide: false search_exclude: false

Today is April 1st, so it is the occasion to shine a light on a few fake RFCs made on that day.

The most famous of all is the experimental RFC1149 of 1990, A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams on Avian Carriers. As the title suggests, the authors specified an entire protocol to send IP packets using pigeons as physical layer. The RFC has been updated and even tested in Norway.

There are a few others that made me laugh:

This reminds me of a friend's video about the number (\pi)

Wikipedia, from which all of these were found has a nice list of April fool's RFC which I encourage you to take a look at.